Here is a small sample of the neuroscience research that supports our therapeutic approach:
rVOR Rehabilitation
Traumatic brain injury and vestibulo-ocular function: current challenges and future prospects.
Vestibular Impairment in Dementia.
Vestibulo-ocular function in anxiety disorders.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex abnormality in Parkinson’s disease detected by video head impulse test.
Cervico-ocular function in patients with spasmodic torticollis.
The relationship between vestibular function and topographical memory in older adults.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex function in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders.
tVOR Rehabilitation
Interaural translational VOR: suppression, enhancement, and cognitive control.
SVV Rehabilitation
Subjective visual vertical after treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Balance Rehabilitation
Tailored balance exercises on people with multiple sclerosis: A pilot randomized, controlled study.
Visual problems associated with traumatic brain injury.
Vision impairment after traumatic brain injury: present knowledge and future directions.
Vision therapy for oculomotor dysfunctions in acquired brain injury: a retrospective analysis.
Gaze Stabilization
Gaze stabilization test: a new clinical test of unilateral vestibular dysfunction.
Concurrent vision dysfunctions in convergence insufficiency with traumatic brain injury.
Poor postural stability in children with vertigo and vergence abnormalities.
Deficits in predictive smooth pursuit after mild traumatic brain injury.
Saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements in central vertigo.
Quantitative oculomotor findings in migrainous patients.
Multimodal assessment of optokinetic visual stimulation response in migraine with aura.
Attentional distractibility by optokinetic stimulation in Alzheimer disease.
Eye-Head-Body Exercises
Visual-Vestibular-Somatotopic Remapping Exercises
Disrupted superior collicular activity may reveal cervical dystonia disease pathomechanisms.
Multimodal Gait Protocols
The effect of augmented somatosensory feedback on standing postural sway.
Targeted SSEP Stimulus
Cranial Nerve Noninvasive Neuromodulation: New Approach to Neurorehabilitation
A novel neuromodulation technique for the rehabilitation of balance and gait: A case study.
Non-pharmacologic treatments for symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review.
Electrical stimulation as an adjunctive treatment of painful and sensory diabetic neuropathy.
Noninvasive and invasive neuromodulation for the treatment of tinnitus: an overview.
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as a Therapeutic Tool for Chronic Pain.
Alpha Stim
Prospective Study of Brain Wave Changes Associated With Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation.
Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for chronic pain
Using TENS for pain control: the state of the evidence.
Brain stimulation methods for pain treatment.
Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Blood Flow Velocity and Vessel Size.
NeuroRehabilitation coupled with Physical Exercise
Physical exercise and cognitive performance in the elderly: current perspectives.
NeuroRehabilitation for Athletic Performance
Training Attentional Control Improves Cognitive and Motor Task Performance.
The athletes’ visuomotor system – Cortical processes contributing to faster visuomotor reactions.
Balance performance with a cognitive task: a continuation of the dual-task testing paradigm.
Active Myofascial Release
Effectiveness of myofascial release: systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Instrument-Assisted Myofascial Release
The efficacy of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization: a systematic review.