Every neurological condition has a specific path to recovery.
We help you find the fastest path back to your best life.

Following a concussion, even the simplest tasks can seem impossible.
A concussion is a form of mild traumatic brain injury. Concussions can be profoundly challenging to live with. A concussion results in abnormal brain function, and can have a severe impact on your quality of life. Concussed people can struggle with debilitating headaches, dizziness, balance problems, double vision, light and sound sensitivity, fatigue, concentration and memory problems, and poor emotional regulation. Concussions can become permanently debilitating if we don’t find your path to recovery soon enough.
We use advanced neurodiagnostic technology and examination procedures to identify the areas and pathways of your brain that have been impacted by your brain injury, and to measure how every relevant system is working. We then design your unique NeuroRescue Program, using state-of-the-art therapies and exercises to help get them all working well and together again.
This works because concussions usually result in damage to pathways that involve the eyes, the inner ear, muscles and joints, among many others. In most cases a failure of integration exists between the eyes, the vestibular system, and proprioceptive feedback from muscles and joints. Your customized NeuroRescue Program helps rebuild the function of these pathways and restores their integration. This enables you to move beyond your injury and begin to normally engage in your world.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinatiors is ready to help you get started. Read on to learn more about brain injuries and their consequences, or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
Vertigo can make you feel like you are spinning in the world, or that the world around you is spinning. It can create a sensation of falling, tilting, swaying back and forth, or being pulled in some direction. Dizziness is a sensation of light-headedness, and can feel like you are about to faint and lose consciousness. Both can be extremely debilitating, and can impact virtually every function of your life. If you can’t feel stable in the world, the world can become a very scary place.
A properly designed NeuroRescue Program using state of the art exercises and therapies can rebuild your vestibular integration, restore your ability to localize yourself in the world, and help you to recover from both dizziness and vertigo.
This works because dizziness and vertigo are often caused by a problem with the inner ear’s vestibular system. They can also result from problems in any of the brainstem, cerebellar, and brain regions that process inner ear input. When the input from the vestibular system does not match the input from the eyes or the body, this sensory mismatch creates the inappropriate perception of motion. We correct the input from your vestibular system and help it to match the input from your eyes and body. We reintegrate your perception of the world around you and your location within it. This allows for a long-lasting recovery.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
Every 10 seconds, someone in the U.S. goes to the emergency room complaining of head pain. More than 90% of migraine sufferers are unable to work or function normally during an episode. Headaches and migraines are some of the most common and most disabling neurological disorders.
Our NeuroRescue Program for headaches and migraines is developed from cutting edge diagnostics and advanced examination procedures to measure the function of every system involved in your headaches. Using state of the art exercises and therapies, we help you move beyond your condition and find long-lasting relief.
Why this works so well is because Headaches and Migraines are disorders with a diverse array of symptoms, including severe pain, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli. Even light and sound can severely provoke the pain of a migraine. By mapping out the function of every system involved in your condition using advanced neurodiagnostic testing, we can precisely identify which systems are driving your unique presentation, then design a protocol to directly address the specific pathways and systems creating your problem. With our advanced neurodiagnostic testing we no longer have to guess at your fastest path to recovery.
When you’re forced to miss a family or work event because of a headache or migraine, feelings of failure and guilt can add to the frustration of the pain.
Headaches and migraines should not be conditions you need to learn to live with.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
Movement disorders are some of the most frustrating and debilitating problems anyone can confront. People can lose control of their bodies, lose the ability to generate proper motor responses, and lose the ability to interact with the world.
Our NeuroRescue Program for movement disorders is developed from cutting edge diagnostics and advanced examination procedures to measure the function of every system involved in your unique presentation. We use state-of-the-art exercises and therapies to help you regain control over your body, move beyond your condition, and begin to engage in the world normally once again.
This works because most movement disorders involve impaired function in several parts of the brain, including the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, the frontal motor cortex, and the parietal sensory cortex. Without directly addressing these pathways, treatment for movement disorders will ultimately only mask symptoms. By mapping out the function of every system involved in your condition using advanced neurodiagnostic testing, we can precisely identify which systems are driving your unique presentation, then design a protocol to directly address the specific pathways and systems creating your problem. With our advanced neurodiagnostic testing we no longer have to guess at your fastest path to regaining control over your body.
Movement disorders should not be conditions you need to learn to live with.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or ruptures. Strokes will damage the parts of the brain that rely on blood from the involved vessel. Strokes can be disabling, and may result in severe neurological dysfunction.
Living with a stroke can obviously be challenging, but there is hope for recovery through specific neurorehabilitation. Symptoms can often be managed, function may be enhanced, and quality of life can often be significantly improved.
This all starts with our Discovery Day. We use gold-standard, cutting edge neurodiagnostic technologies and examination procedures to measure the function of every system involved in your stroke. We use this insight to design your individual NeuroRescue Program, using state-of-the-art exercises and therapies, so you can move beyond your condition and begin to engage in the world normally again.
Here is why this works. It can be very difficult to come to terms with the impact that a stroke can have on your life. Strokes can be profoundly frustrating to live with. Seemingly simple tasks can become extraordinarily difficult. People can feel unable to think or move. Memory can become compromised, movement can be challenging, balance and walking can be difficult, and concentration may seem impossible. Depression, anxiety, anger, and irritability are common after strokes.
Reintegrating the connections between the brain and body is the primary focus of our therapy. Our neurodiagnostics show us the most direct path to reestablish neurological control over your body, so that you can get back to living the life you deserve.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
People afflicted with dysautonomia can struggle with dizziness and light-headedness, balance problems, cognitive challenges, and often chronic pain. People often feel like they are about to pass out, cannot regulate heart rate and blood pressure, and can find even the simplest daily tasks exhausting and impossible.
With our cutting edge neurodiagnostic technologies, we can evaluate the function all of the relevant neurological systems creating your dysautonomia. We use this insight to design your unique NeuroRescue Program, so we can restore normal autonomic function and help get you back to living your best life.
Here is why it works. Dysautonomia refers to a class of conditions involving poor function of the autonomic nervous system. Dysautonomia can develop from traumatic brain injuries, viral infection, and other types of autoimmune conditions. Dysautonomia usually involves poor coordination between the vestibular system and the brainstem areas that regulate blood flow to the brain.
Our NeuroRescue Program reintegrates coordination between these systems, to give you appropriate control of your autonomic nervous system and restore your quality of life. With our advanced neurodiagnostic testing we no longer have to guess at your fastest path to regaining control over your heart rate and blood pressure. We can design a precise and specific therapy protocol that gets you rapid, lasting results.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
You really have a choice.
Learn to live with your condition or find your NeuroRescue Recovery plan.

Neurodegenerative disorders can be profoundly frustrating to live with. Seemingly simple tasks can become extraordinarily difficult. People can feel stuck or trapped by their illness. They might desperately want to do something but feel unable to. They might feel unable to think or move. Memory can become compromised, balance and walking can be difficult, and concentration may seem impossible. Depression, anxiety, anger, and irritability are common. People often feel stunned, as they struggle with what their future may look like.
We use gold-standard, cutting edge neurodiagnostic technologies and examination procedures to measure the function of every system involved in your disorder. We use this insight to design your individual NeuroRescue Program, using state-of-the-art exercises and therapies, so you can move beyond your condition and begin to engage in the world normally again.
Here is why this works. A neurodegenerative disorder is a progressive disease that attacks the central or peripheral nervous system, causing it to deteriorate. The most common are Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s Disease. Living with any neurodegenerative condition is challenging. In our NeuroRescue Program, we don’t focus on the disease as much as focus on what parts of your system still work, and find ways to make them work better. While we cannot offer a cure for these disorders, many of the symptoms can often be manageable, function may be enhanced, and quality of life can often be significantly improved when we address the viable aspects of your system and rehabilitate their function and endurance.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
Mental health conditions are extremely challenging to live with. Living with one of these disorders can be incredibly frustrating. They can create problems in your relationships, your education, and your job performance. They can impair your ability to relate to other people, make you feel alone, and profoundly affect all aspects of your life.
In our NeuroRescue Program, we use gold-standard, cutting edge neurodiagnostic technologies and examination procedures to measure the function of every system involved in your disorder. We use this insight to design your individual NeuroRescue Program, using state-of-the-art exercises and therapies, so you can move beyond your condition and begin to engage in the world normally again.
This is why this works. Conditions that many people feel are permanent can often be significantly improved with specific neurorehabilitation. Conditions such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder can often improve by rehabilitating the neurological pathways and networks that give rise to these problems. Our NeuroRescue Program directly addresses the underlying neurological dysfunction involved in these conditions, rather than simply trying to mask symptoms with medications or reduce their impact with therapy. Symptoms can often be manageable, function may be enhanced, and quality of life can often be significantly improved.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
People suffering from peripheral nerve disorders are not only exhausted by their symptoms, but also of hearing that nothing can be done. The only options they are given are endless medications designed to mask symptoms or learning to live with a permanent condition.
We feel we have found a better way.
We use gold-standard, cutting edge neurodiagnostic technologies and examination procedures to measure the function of every system involved in your peripheral nerve disorder. We use this to create your individual NeuroRescue Program, using state-of-the-art exercises and therapies, so you can move beyond your condition and begin to engage in the world normally again.
Here is why this works. In a peripheral neuropathy nerve fibers outside the spinal cord are injured or degenerating. This prevents them from functioning properly and creates a wide range of symptoms and problems. People can struggle with burning pain in their hands and feet, sensations of pins and needles, and problems with balance and coordination.
Many of these conditions can be improved by cutting-edge, non-surgical procedures and specialized treatment protocols. Our NeuroRescue Program directly addresses the underlying neurological dysfunction involved in these conditions, rather than simply trying to mask symptoms with medications. Symptoms can often be manageable, function may be enhanced, and quality of life can often be significantly improved.
If you are ready to recover, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
Neurdevelopmental disorders can be extremely stressful for families, exhaust parents, and lead to social isolation. They can be extremely frustrating, as parents often feel that their children’s strengths are being ignored and their potential untapped while teachers and peers focus only on their shortcomings. The impact of a neurodevelopmental disorder extends into all aspects of a child’s life and future.
We use gold-standard, cutting edge neurodiagnostic technologies and examination procedures to map out the function of every system involved in your child’s disorder. We design your individual NeuroRescue Program, using state-of-the-art exercises and therapies, so your child can move beyond their condition and begin to engage in the world normally again.
Here is why this works. These disorders arise from a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. While some aspects of them cannot be modified, many others can be addressed with specific neurorehabilitation. Symptoms may be improved, and more normal neurodevelopmental trajectories can often be restored with appropriate exercises and therapies.
Our NeuroRescue Program directly addresses the underlying neurological dysfunction involved in these conditions, rather than simply trying to mask symptoms with medications. Symptoms can often be manageable, function may be enhanced, and quality of life can often be significantly improved. This may restore your child’s confidence and self-esteem and improve every aspect of their life moving and endurance.
If you are ready to begin your child’s recovery, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you child deserves.
Chronic pain can grind your life to a halt. Conditions like neck and back pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, and any other pain that lasts longer than three months need to be addressed before they become permanent. We understand how debilitating it can be to live with chronic pain. Our NeuroRescue Program has been designed to help.
We employ cutting-edge neurodiagnostic technologies and therapies to evaluate and rehabilitate the neurological systems that are creating your pain. Your NeuroRescue Program will directly address the neurological causes of your pain, rather than just mask and manage your symptoms.
Here is why this works. Research shows that most chronic pain conditions have common underlying mechanisms involving problems with the way the brain processes sensory input from the body. Chronic pain is not a sensation, it is a perception and an experience that develops when the central and peripheral nervous systems lose the ability to properly process sensory input. More often than not, chronic pain is no longer a function of the original tissue injury, but rather is maintained by problems in your nervous system’s sensory processing. Our NeuroRescue Program directly addresses the underlying neurological dysfunction involved in these conditions, rather than simply trying to block symptoms with medications. Symptoms can often be manageable, function may be enhanced, and quality of life can often be significantly improved.
If you are ready to begin your recovery, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
Our NeuroRescue Program has created functional improvement for individuals suffering from an extremely broad range of neurological conditions. We have decades of experience creating lasting results for thousands of people.
We understand the confusion and frustration that comes from not finding answers. We meet many patients that have not been able to create real solutions, despite seeing countless providers and trying an endless list of therapies.
True recovery relies on a critical set of components. First is comprehensive neurodiagnostics to determine the correct questions to be answered by your therapy protocol. Second is the ability to objectively measure results. Third is the proper healing environment to allow recovery to take place without exacerbation. Northwest Functional Neurology was designed with these critical aspects in mind, so you can finally find your answers and get the results you need.
Your best next step is to schedule your Discovery Day. This is how we will find answers for you. We begin with a comprehensive history, where we map out how you became you and everything you are dealing with. We then shift to our neurodiagnostic suite, where we run dozens of gold-standard, cutting edge neurodiagnostic tests and examination procedures to measure the function of every system involved in your disorder. We then design your individual NeuroRescue Program, using state-of-the-art exercises and therapies, so you can move beyond your condition and begin to engage in the world normally again.
We will find you a clear path forward and give you the answers you need to begin your recovery.
You really have a choice. Learn to live with your condition, or find your NeuroRescue plan.
If you are ready to begin your recovery, one of our patient care coordinators are ready to help. Read on to learn more or contact one of our patient care coordinators to begin the process of getting back to the life you deserve.
Our Unique Approach To Your Treatment

We use advanced neurodiagnostic technologies and cutting edge neurorehabilitation strategies that are unique to your brain and condition.
We use high frequency treatment over 5-10 days, to bring you maximum results in the shortest time possible.
See The Results
Molly suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury that left her with severe Post-Concussion Syndrome & a hyperkinetic Movement Disorder.