We Strive To Provide The Most Comprehensive And Effective Treatment Possible For Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, Or Post-Concussion Syndrome.
Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries can be life-altering events. With your NeuroRescue Program, we put you back on the path to living your best life.
A concussion is a form of mild traumatic brain injury. A concussion results in abnormal brain function, and can have a profound impact on an individual’s quality of life.
Concussions are the most common form of mild traumatic brain injury, or mTBI. TBIs are usually the result of a blow to the head of some kind, however they can also be the result of rapid rotational forces that injure brain cells.
Post Concussive: Dysautonomia | Headache | Brain Fog | Vertigo
In order to function in the environment, you need to be able to understand where you are in space and your relationship to the world. We learn where we are in space based on inputs from our eyes, our inner ear, and feedback from muscles and joints. Any or all of these systems can be injured in a concussion or mTBI. It is important to understand that concussions are rarely only about injuries to the visual system, the inner ear, or the neck. Perhaps the primary problem in concussion and mTBI is damage to the neurological mechanisms that allow all of these systems to work together. Our comprehensive NeuroRescue Program approach is able to address all of the systems involved in a brain injury and their ability to work together in harmony. We utilize state of the art diagnostics to precisely identify the cause of your dysfunction, then create unique customized rehabilitation plans to help you regain control of your symptoms and get on with living the life you deserve. Read More
Our understanding of the mechanisms and consequences of concussions and traumatic brain injuries is continually advancing, with new research being published on a daily basis. Great strides have been made in the proper assessment of injured pathways. Cutting edge therapies have been shown in studies to improve quality of life for those that have suffered concussions and traumatic brain injuries. We utilize these resources to identify the sources of your dysfunction and design therapy programs to give you our best possible outcomes. You can find some of these resources here. Learn More
Our Unique Approach To Concussions And Traumatic Brain Injuries
We use advanced neurodiagnostic technologies and cutting edge neurorehabilitation strategies that are unique to your brain and condition.
We use high frequency treatment over 5-10 days, to bring you maximum results in the shortest time possible.