With Our NeuroRescue Program Patients Can See Significant Improvement In Just 5 Days.
Dr. Glen Zielinski & his Northwest Functional Neurology team have been helping people recover from complicated neurological conditions, such as Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions, Dizziness and Vertigo, and Movement Disorders through innovative diagnostics and customized brain-based solutions for over 20 years.
Conditions We Treat
We treat all manner of neurological conditions. Identifying the true cause of the problem is the key to finding the solution. We use cutting edge examination procedures and neurodiagnostic technologies to evaluate the function of every relevant aspect of your nervous system. We quickly get to the heart of your problem, and see what is needed to get you real results as fast as possible. Schedule your Discovery Day so we can get you back to living a vibrant and fulfilling life. Learn More
Unresolved Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries can result in years of confusing and frustrating symptoms. When left unresolved, damaged neurological pathways can keep you from functioning in the world. May people are left living with headaches, dizziness, cognitive problems, balance difficulty, brain fog, sensory overload, memory deficits, and poor emotional regulation. People don’t understand how to get better, despite trying multiple providers and therapies for years.
We use advanced neurodiagnostic technology to measure how every relevant part of your nervous system is working. We then design a NeuroRescue Program to rebuild their function and restore their integration, so you can get back to living your best life.
Movement disorders are some of the most frustrating and debilitating problems you may be living with. You can feel like you can’t control your body, and may lose the ability to move through the world on your own terms.
Most movement disorders involve impaired function in several parts of the brain, including the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, the frontal motor cortex, and the parietal sensory cortex. Our advanced examination and diagnostic technologies will map how your systems are functioning, so we can design your unique NeuroRescue program to get them all working together again. When proper function and integration of these systems is restored, you can move freely and with confidence again, and get back to living your best life.
When you struggle with Dizziness and Vertigo, every aspect of your life can be impacted. The world becomes a scary place when you cannot localize yourself in space. Fear of seemingly random flareups can prevent you from engaging with the world. These can be severely debilitating conditions, leaving many people bedridden and missing out on what their lives have to offer.
Our advanced neurodiagnostic technology lets us map how every relevant part of your nervous system is working. We then design your unique NeuroRescue Program to rebuild their function and get them working together again, so you can get back to living a vibrant and fulfilling life.
When living with Dysautonomia, you may struggle with dizziness and light-headedness, balance problems, cognitive challenges, and often chronic pain. You may feel like you are about to pass out, cannot regulate your heart rate, and even the most simple daily tasks can seem exhausting and impossible.
Dysautonomia usually involves poor coordination between the vestibular system and the brainstem areas that regulate blood flow to the brain. Fixing Dysautonomia requires restoring their function and coordination. Our advanced diagnostic technologies and examination procedures map out all of the relevant neurological systems creating your Dysautonomia. We then design your unique NeuroRescue Program to rebuild their function and get them working together again, so you can get back to living a vibrant and fulfilling life.

NWFN offers a unique healing experience, unparalleled in modern healthcare. Our clinic has been architecturally designed to maximize your recovery by minimizing neurologic triggers that provoke symptoms and limit progress. When your environment helps to facilitate your therapy, better and faster results become possible.
Our facility has been recognized as a premier healing environment in North America by the international design and architecture communities.
We were named the Best Small Healthcare Facility of 2022, the highest award from the International Interior Design Association.
We also were the recipient of the Honor Award of 2022, the highest distinction from the American Institute of Architecture.
Every element of our facility, from our wall shapes and colors, to our lighting and sound absorbing wall surfaces, was carefully selected based on neuroscience research. We have created the most therapeutic and safe space possible for people struggling with sensory overload and other neurological challenges.
Step One: Discovery Day
Designing your unique NeuroRescue Program begins with your Discovery Day. This is a 3 hour examination, where we explore your challenges, how they began, and how they are affecting you. This is where we discover and design the fastest path back to your best life.
While most clinics simply ask you a series of questions, we instead take the time to dive deep into your entire life on a timeline. This allows us to determine all the factors that lead to your problem, what has and has not helped so far, and what other potential genetic, metabolic, immune, and psychological factors may be impeding your recovery. Our detailed history gives us the insight we need to start designing the NeuroRescue Program that helps you obtain the fastest results.
We flip over all the stones to get the information we need to solve your puzzle. Our patients usually tell us this is the most through and detailed examination they have ever received. We take all the time we need to get clarity on your best healing path. Our examination procedures allow us to dig deep into your nervous system to determine what is wrong, how it happened, how it is affecting you, and how to start your journey back to health.
We use cutting edge, gold standard neurodiagnostic technologies to gain hard data on the function of your critical neurological systems. Every patient receives at least 44 discrete instrumented tests. These shows us how your pathways and systems work, how well they work together, when they fatigue, and what needs to be done to restore their function. They provide the key insights that form your unique NeuroRescue program to accelerate your recovery.
With your discovery day complete, we have the pieces necessary to design your personal NeuroRescue Program. Don’t waste another day struggling without a solution.
Step Two: Your Program
At Northwest Functional Neurology, we treat people two ways, with NeuroRescue Intensive or Outpatient programs. Both are designed to address your unique circumstances and functional challenges, to get you back to living your best life as fast as possible.
In your NeuroRescue Intensive Program, we take two months of outpatient care and compress it into one or two weeks. This is a boot camp for your brain, and allows us to achieve rapid improvement and better results.
We work with you up to five times per day for usually five consecutive days. We run a full set off diagnostics several times during the week, and adjust our protocols as you progress.
Most of our patients report around 70% symptom improvement by the end of their NeuroRescue Intensive, and while your results may vary, some of our patients see their symptoms resolve entirely.
In our Outpatient NeuroRescue program we design a 60-day recovery plan. You receive in-clinic treatment three times per week. Between these visits you are given a custom home exercise program to maximize brain stimulation and functional recovery.
We modify our protocols along the way based on how you respond, and repeat our diagnostics after a few weeks. We see what has improved, what we need to work on, and adjust your protocol accordingly.
Our patients generally experience notable symptom reduction in their first few treatments, and show substantial objective improvement on their first reevaluation. We often see outpatient results similar to what we can obtain with a NeuroRescue Intensive by the second reevaluation.
Northwest Functional Neurology provides flexible options for patient care so everyone can receive the treatment they need.
Don’t allow correctable neurological symptoms to become a permanent part of your life.
Step Three: Your Results
Natalie came to us from Scottsdale, AZ, for treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. We were honored to be able to assist in her recovery. Click the video to the right to watch her story.