Metabolism is the process your body uses to produce cellular energy. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the molecule that powers virtually every reaction in the body. The reason you need glucose and oxygen is so you can burn sugar in an oxygen-rich environment to produce high levels of ATP. When metabolism is impaired, the ability to produce ATP decreases, which leads to decreased neurological function. Genetic factors can also impair neurological function on many levels. We use advanced laboratory analysis and genetic testing to assess all of the factors that can be standing in the way of your recovery. We use this information to design strategies to address and overcome these challenges, so we can get you back to leading your best life.
Every neuron in your system needs three things to survive: oxygen, glucose, and activation. We provide appropriate activation through our neurorehabilitation strategies, but without proper oxygen delivery and glucose utilization, neurological function will remain suboptimal. Laboratory testing of your metabolic systems can reveal deficits that will impair your recovery, and shows us how to improve these functions. This helps us maximize your healing potential and give you the best possible outcome.
Genetic factors can impair the function of enzymes that produce or break down neurotransmitters, and can lead to changes in neurotransmitter receptor function. They can even determine how your system produces and responds to different hormones and inflammatory processes, and how it deals with the elimination of toxins. These genetic issues often stand in the way of an ideal outcome. Functional genetic testing can not only reveal these issues, but show us exactly what we need to do in order to overcome these obstacles and get your system functioning effectively again. Metabolic and genetic factors can be useful to address in virtually all neurological conditions, including:
Concussions & Traumatic Brain Injuries | Dizziness & Vertigo | Dysautonomia | Movement Disorders | Neurodegenerative Disorders | Chronic Pain Neurodevelopmental Disorders | Strokes & Vascular Disorders | Mental Health Conditions | Headaches & Migraines
We work with a wide variety of labs in order to provide comprehensive testing services where necessary. Depending on your condition, many of your tests may be available through traditional providers such as Quest Diagnostics and Labcorp. Other tests may only be available through specialty labs such as Cyrex, Vibrant Labs, and The DNA Company.
Wherever possible we attempt to use labs that will be reimbursable through your insurance. Some of these labs do not bill insurance directly, but you can often receive reimbursement for these expenses directly from your insurance company. Some of these tests have a rapid turnaround and provide results within days. Others require several weeks to see results, and provide us with information that is more helpful to stabilize your condition in the long term.
Yes. We only draw through commercial laboratories with professional phlebotomists. There are no significant risks to blood draws.
Privacy laws regarding genetic testing are still evolving. Many people have concerns regarding the future consequences of genetic testing, and with good reason. Some of the more well-advertised genetic tests are not subject to healthcare privacy legislation, and claim ownership of your DNA once you submit it for a test. We strongly recommend that our patients avoid these commercial services. We work only with companies that safeguard your data at the same level as any other HIPPA compliant laboratory.
Genetic testing can reveal a great deal about factors that may be impairing your recovery. There are genetic variants of enzymes involved in neurological pathways, and some of these enzymes are less efficient than others. There are enzymes involved in the production and breakdown of neurotransmitters that may be inefficient, leading to an increased likelihood of developing a cluster of neurological symptoms.
For example, and enzyme known as catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) is involved in the breakdown of neurotransmitters including norepinephrine. Elevated levels of norepinephrine have been associated with higher levels of anxiety. There are also different genetic variants of norepinephrine receptors, some far more effective than others. If a genetic profile indicates a slow COMT enzyme and highly efficient norepinephrine receptors, the consequence will be more circulating norepinephrine and a greater level of norepinephrine response. This has been implicated in panic attacks and the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. A deep dive into your relevant genetics can show us a great deal about the causes of your issues. More importantly, it can show us ways to address these factors to ensure your best outcome.
Metabolic testing allows us to see how your body produces and utilizes energy. Energy production starts with glucose, which is broken down through a process called glycolosys to produce ATP. This does not require oxygen, and produces 2 ATP for every molecule of glucose burned. This also produces pyruvate and lactate. This process is what takes place when you sprint on a treadmill. It burns glucose quickly, only produces a small amount of ATP, and the byproducts become lactic acid that makes your muscles hurt. If oxygen is not available or being utilized correctly, metabolism generally stops at this level. In this anaerobic metabolism, insufficient ATP production leads to fatigue and failure of neurological systems.
Pyruvate can move forward into a series of reactions known as the Krebs Cycle, which leads to the production of 2 molecules, NADH and FADH2. These can then be moved through a series of reactions called the electron transport chain, which ultimately produces a net gain of 32 ATP. This process is far more efficient, but requires oxygen in order to function. If oxygen is present, and every enzyme in these reactions has the cofactors they need to function properly, this aerobic metabolism leads to sixteen times more ATP production than anaerobic metabolism.
Since aerobic metabolism is a much more complicated process, there are many more ways for it to break down. Deficiencies in blood flow reduces oxygen and glucose availability. Nutritional deficiencies can impair enzymes critical to this process by depriving them of their needed cofactors. Inflammation can damage the parts of the cell where these processes take place, and interfere with insulin systems that provide glucose. There are far too many ways for metabolism to be impaired to list here. Comprehensive metabolic testing can show us exactly how these processes break down, and thus exactly what we need to do to improve your metabolic function.
In many cases, yes. Depending on the cause of your metabolic issues and how advanced they have become, we may be able to improve your metabolic problems with careful application of functional medicine. This can involve everything from changes in dietary patterns, to exercise recommendations, and specific forms of supplementation tailored to your condition.
Genetics cannot be modified, however the function of the systems impacted by your genetics can usually be improved with targeted supplementation. We all have suboptimal genetics in one form or another, and testing can show us exactly how we need to intervene to help you compensate for these inefficiencies. Genetic testing can be a critical step in your NeuroRescue Program, one that finally allows you to get back to living the life you deserve.
“I finally had hope, someone said my life would be better - and not just temporarily… my whole life has changed because of this.”

We use advanced neurodiagnostic technologies and cutting edge neurorehabilitation strategies that are unique to your brain and condition.
We use high frequency treatment over 5-10 days, to bring you maximum results in the shortest time possible.